1. Food Packaging That is NOT Eco-Friendly

    Since the term “eco friendly” is open ended, let’s consider eco friendly to be any packaging material that is biodegradable (that is, decomposes when left in the environment). You might be thinking that most food packaging is eco-friendly nowadays, considering most harmful packaging materials have been banned. There’s actually still a surprisingly high amount of brands that don’t buy sustainable products, so it’s important to continue to be aware of which materials aren’t considered eco friendly.

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  2. 4 Common Eco Friendly Food Packaging Alternatives to Plastic

    As environmental issues continue to rise as a global issue, the material of food packaging is become more of a common concern. In NY, most plastic food packaging has been banned in favor of eco friendly alternatives. There are many different materials that have been considered “sustainable”, “environmentally friendly”, “biodegradable”, or “eco friendly”. With so many different terms to describe sustainable and environmentally friendly packaging, it can get confusing! So let’s first explore what “eco friendly packaging” means, then a few common types of eco friendly material.

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